Innovation in Motion News
2023 Q2
Hydraulic Line Bursts Causing Extensive Damage
Choosing the Right Actuator Improves Safety, Saves Energy and Reduces Operating Costs.
Most factories using hydraulic systems know there can be leaks that cause a mess. However, there are other safety impacts like the massive fire shown in this video that broke out after a hydraulic line burst.
This kind of incident can cause a devastating fire in your factory and put your employees' safety at risk. This video shows how a burst hydraulic line on a machine instantly ignited a huge fire. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the factory incurred extensive damage.
Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuators (SHA) are the solution to prevent such accidents. With no continually running, noisy pumps circulating large volume of unsafe fluid and no pressurized accumulator, these self-contained totally-sealed actuators use minimal fluid, eliminate leak points and improve safety. In addition, this sustainable actuation solution will significantly reduce operating costs and save energy in your factory.
Don't wait until it's too late, watch our video on how Kyntronics' actuators can help you prevent disasters and improve your bottom line.

Long Stroke Actuators to Replace Hydraulics
Hydraulic Actuators are used when high-forces and high-speeds are needed. With SMART Electro- Hydraulic Actuators, you get the force and speed benefits at longer stroke lengths without the requirement of HPUs, hoses and other components necessary for traditional hydraulic solutions.
Replace messy, inefficient and high-maintenance hydraulic cylinders with Kyntronics Long Stroke, All-In-One, SMART Electro- Hydraulic Actuators (SHA).
SHA Long Stroke actuators are available in standard configurations over 120” (3,048 mm) stroke, are far more cost- effective than screw-type actuator alternatives and have much shorter lead-times.
They are available with complete control packages including HMIs and Software.
Speak with an Engineer about your requirements and how to capture the benefits of Kyntronics' long-stoke actuators for your company.

Digital Transformation – Choose Actuators that are Smarter, More Precise, and More Efficient
Are you on the path to Digital Transformation in your factory?
Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuators (SHA) can accelerate Digital Transformation by gathering data to support process control and equipment management using integral sensors, feedback devices, control capabilities and fieldbus connectivity.
SHAs help you achieve many benefits including precise motion and process control, predicative maintenance, quality data capture, energy-efficient operation and more.
Say goodbye to inefficient and outdated systems and harness the future of manufacturing with Kyntronics.

Upgrade Your Hydraulic Testing Equipment
The All-In-One SMART Electro- Hydraulic Actuator (SHA) is fully programmable and replaces your outdated HPU. The SHA is available as a complete package with actuator, controls, cables, software and includes onboard position and force sensors.
Designed for compact spaces, the SHA includes seamless integration with LabVIEW and other testing packages.
Check out some recent testing system application successes and learn more about how you can upgrade your testing environment.

Get the Updated SHA / SPU Brochure
We are excited to announce the release of our new SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (SHA) and Servo Power Unit (SPU) brochure. The new brochure contains up-to-date information on:
- Product Specifications
- Standard and Optional Features
- Controller Options
- Total Cost of Ownership Payback Analysis
All you need to make an informed decision about your next actuation project.
Our SHA and SPU provide you with the most advanced technology on the market, ensuring that your system operates efficiently and effectively. Whether you're looking for a new system or upgrading an existing one, our engineers are available to discuss your application and assure you achieve the best possible solution. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn more about our SHA and SPU products - Contact an Engineer today!
DOWNLOAD THE SHA / SPU BROCHUREKyntronics' Knowledge Center
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Visit Kyntronics' Knowledge Center or connect with an Engineer. Once you get to know Kyntronics, we believe you will agree –
when it comes to actuation, Kyntronics is the right choice for your actuator needs!
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