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Kyntronics actuator design combines the benefits of both screw-type actuators (EMAs) and hydraulic cylinders while eliminating their shortcomings.

Kyntronics Actuators are…

  • Energy Efficient - using Power on Demand
  • Safe and Reliable - No Hoses, No Leaks
  • Rugged and Durable – Tolerates Shock and Side Loads
  • Low Maintenance - No Metal-to-Metal Wear
  • Precise – with Servo Control of Position, Force and Speed
  • Configurable - Closed System, can be oriented in any direction

Kyntronics actuation systems are available as a "Total Solution" that includes the actuator, motor, controls, programming software and factory support.

Why Kyntronics is the clear actuation choice over alternative technologies

Overview - How Our Actuators Work

Kyntronics actuators incorporate an integral hydraulic cylinder with a minimal amount of fluid (often less than most gearboxes) driven by a bi-directional pump in a totally-sealed system. A simple yet elegant design that changes the paradigm for actuation options.

Design Features:

  • Simple design, uses fluid for power transmission.
  • Only uses power when operating – saves energy.
  • Robust design, no metal-to-metal wear components - extends operating life.
  • Totally sealed system, no hoses, no fluid changes, no filters, no lubrication - minimal maintenance.
  • Scalable from low rated forces (100 lbs.) to 150,000 lbs. with stroke lengths up to 120 inches.
  • Programmable, precise servo control of Position, Force and Speed using standard PID motion control.
  • Total Solution option is available (actuator, motor, drive on a panel, software, fully tested ready to operate).
  • Actuator only option is available using customer preferred motor and drive.
  • Modular design for short lead-times.
  • Field repairable.
How Our Actuators WorkSHA Product Design Elements Cut-Away

Flexible Configurations to Fit your Machine

configuration parallel standard

Parallel Standard

configuration parallel spacer

Parallel with Spacer Block

configuration 90deg centered

90° Centered

configuration parallel inverted

Parallel Inverted

configuration customer supplied motor


configuration 90deg behind

90° Behind Power Unit

To learn more about how our actuators work, read our blog How does an Electro-Hydraulic Linear Actuator Work?

Support from Start to Finish & Beyond

Kyntronics Provides Comprehensive Support Throughout Your Project and Beyond

Before Order Placement

  • Sizing the actuator and motor for optimal performance and reliability
  • Provide a motion profile analysis to ensure ideal performance
  • Actuator configuration and machine mounting
  • Controls integration – identifying what is required
  • Provide standard documentation & 3D models

After Order Placement

  • Provide production 3D models & electrical schematics for approval
  • Factory test the actuation system and provide final project-specific documentation
  • Initial system tuning at the factory

After Shipment / Installation

  • Provide as-shipped documentation including control interface details
  • Provide commissioning support (email or phone)
  • Provide remote Teams support if needed to help optimize the solution to the machine

Post Installation Support to Ensure Years of Reliable Operation

  • Support as needed (email or phone)
  • Issue evaluation – corrective action recommendations
  • Repair & diagnostic support as needed

Help yourself to Support Documents 24/7

Comprehensive Support

A Total Actuation Solution

Kyntronics Total Actuation Solution is Fully Factory Tested; Includes the Actuator, Motor, Controls, Programming Software and Factory Support

Reduces integration and commissioning time, eliminating the headaches of actuator, motor & drive sizing, component selection and programming. Integrated HMI is also available with press software solutions.

left product group

Total Solution - Control Panel and HMI Options

control panel and HMI options

PLC / Controller Connectivity with most brands – e.g., ABB, Allen Bradley, Automation Direct, Delta Motion, Mitsubishi, Siemens, Yaskawa and others

control hardware features

Fieldbus Options:

  • CANopen
  • Ethernet TCP/IP
  • Ethernet IP
  • EtherCAT
  • Modbus TCP
  • Modbus RTU
  • Profinet
  • Analog/Digital
  • Other - Consult Factory

Actuation Solutions Available

Read more about the Total Actuation Solution, a complete package ready to install.

Comparison with Other Actuation Technologies

Electro-Mechanical Screw Type Comparison

Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Linear Actuators (SHAs) incorporate the benefits of electro-mechanical actuation while eliminating their shortcomings. The SHA design features a sealed integral hydraulic cylinder that uses minimal fluid allowing the SHA to withstand high shock loads and provide high speed electric powered actuation with precise control and programmability.

EMA imageMetal-to-Metal wear with the many components in Roller Screw EMAs result in premature wear and failure risk from shock and side loads

Concentrated loading at the same location on EMA components results in higher Metal-to-Metal fatigue wear and risk of premature failure

Benefits of Electro-Mechanical Screw Type

  • Use Power-on-Demand
  • Large installed base - user familiarity
  • Programmable and controllable
  • Configurable with several Fieldbus options
  • Integrated Motor options

Challenges of Electro-Mechanical Screw Type

  • Failures from shock loads, side loads and end-stop crashes
  • Metal-to metal wear reduces operating life creating reliability issues
  • Follow the L10 rating chart (Figure 1) and need to be oversized to increase operating life
  • Become expensive over 5,000lbs. rated force (see Figure 2) and over 36" stroke length
  • Do not offer integrated force measurement (must add expensive load cells)
  • Rely on motor encoder feedback for position measurement that is affected by backlash
  • Repair costs are expensive with long lead times
  • Have limited Dynamic Ingress Protection (IP) ratings

Kyntronics Advantages

  • Use Power-on-Demand
  • Absorb without damage - shockloads, side loading and end-stop crashes
  • No metal-to-metal components
  • Operating life is load-independent (Figure 1)
  • Available with standard stroke lengths to 120" without large cost premiums (See Figure 2)
  • Available with rated force options from 100lbs. to 150,000 lbs.
  • Incorporate an optional pressure transducer at the cylinder piston to measure force
  • Directly measure the position at the rod end using a position sensor
  • A "Total Solution" option (actuator, motor, drive, software) is available
  • Actuators are field repairable

Actuator Reliability Comparison

Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (SHA) vs Electro-Mechanical Ball Screw / Roller Screw Actuator (EMA)

Figure 1

 Ball Screw Actuator
 Roller Screw Actuator
 Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (SHA)

Electro-Mechanical Actuator (EMA)

  • EMA life span is load dependent. Improving EMA life requires larger and more expensive size screws
  • EMA metal-to-metal wear further decreases reliability and requires regular lubrication
  • EMAs are highly susceptible to damage from shock loads and side-loading

Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (SHA)

  • SHA is rated at 50,000,000 inches of travel (before a simple rod seal change) regardless of load
  • No metal-to-metal contact leads to increased reliability (load independent)
  • The SHA provides 10X-100X better reliability compared with Ball Screw / Roller Screw Actuators


Cost Comparison at Different Force Ratings

Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (SHA) vs Electro-Mechanical Roller Screw Actuator (EMA)

Cost comparisons Figure 2

 Roller Screw EMA
Kyntronics All-in-One SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuator

Cost Assumptions

  • Includes Actuator, Servo Motor, Servo Drive
  • Add 15% Premium to Roller Screw Actuator if Stoke Length is Longer than 24"
  • Standard Configuration, Standard L10 Roller Screw Life
  • Cost Amounts are Approximate Distributor Net Cost


Kyntronics actuation systems are available as a “Total Solution” that includes the actuator, motor, controls, programming software and factory support

View our Technical Article:  Comparing Hydraulic and Electric Actuation Systems

Return to Other Actuation Technologies

Hydraulic System Comparison

Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Linear Actuators (SHAs) incorporate the benefits of hydraulic actuation while eliminating their deficiencies. The SHA uses a minimal amount of fluid and is fully sealed, eliminating the risk of leaks making the product safer with less downtime. It requires minimal maintenance and provides excellent shock load tolerance. The SHA saves energy using ‘power on demand’ and delivers precise control of position, force, and speed.

hydraulic challengesHydraulic Actuation Systems with common leak points
Generic Hydraulic SchematicStandard Kyntronics SHA Circuit


Benefits of Hydraulic System

  • Can produce large forces at high speeds using high HP (KW) HPUs
  • Robust operation, handles shock loads without issue
  • Cost-effective for simple applications
  • Compact cylinders - high force density
  • Can provide higher Ingress Proctection (IP) ratings

Challenges of Hydraulic System

  • Hydraulic pump runs continuously at maximum pressure and speed wasting energy
  • Require regular filter and oil changes - expensive and environmentally hazardous
  • Violient transitions and vibration lead to inevitable leaks causing unplanned downtime and safety risks
  • To precisely control position and force expensive add-on components are required
  • Do not offer integrated force measurement (must add expensive load cells)
  • Contamination results in downtime and excessive maintenance by a dwindling cohort of trained hydraulic technicians

Kyntronics Advantages

  • Actuator is completely sealed, no hoses or threaded connections eliminate leaks
  • Use Power-on-Demand to save energy, very efficient operation
  • Lower cost of ownership (Table 1)
  • Does not require a Hydraulic Power Unit - saves space and is far quieter
  • Precisely controls position and force
  • Requires minimal maintenance
  • A "Total Solution" option (actuator, motor, drive, software) is available
  • Provides simple Fieldbus connectivity
  • Can easily add more actuators to a machine

Typical Hydraulic System Challenges

A Mess of Hoses A Mess of Hoses

Complex Servo Valves High MantenanceComplex Servo Valves – High Upkeep

Inevitable Leaks Safety RiskInevitable Leaks – Safety Risk

Constantly Running HPU Wastes EnergyConstantly Running HPU Wastes Energy


Annual Operating Cost Comparison Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuators (SHA) vs Traditional Hydraulic


Comparison Category   SHA HPU Assumptions / Cost Basis (April 2023)
Environmental Waste $0
200 Gallon HPU Tank Hydraulic Fluid Index (HFI) = 4.1
SHA is sealed - no fluid replacement or disposal is required
$42/gal x 800 gallons (4:1 HFI) $20/gal x 800 gallons (4:1 HFI)
Energy Usage compare table energy $1,642 $16,429 SHA Uses Power on Demand SHA is 70% efficient (Kyntronics testing)
30 HP Hydraulic Power Unit that runs continuously HPU 22% is efficient
(based on IFPE paper) Using $0.17 per KWh (average US rate - Fed 2023)
Floor Space Utilization / Maintenance compare table maintenance $0
SHA is All-in-One, no floor space required
HPU requires space of 10'x10' = 100 Sq-ft @ $20 per sq-ft.
SHA @ 1hr/week @ Labor $35/hr HPU @ 3hrs/week @ Labor $35/hr
Ergonomics / Safety compare table ergonomicscompare table safety $0 $2,000 HPU oil leaks create hazardous conditions and safety risk
SHA is totally sealed, no oil leak risk
Lost days + Medical costs + Legal costs
Unplanned Downtime / Product Spoilage compare table downtime $0
SHA is totally sealed, no oil leak risk, minimal downtime risk $4k-$6k
average downtime cost per incident. Assuming two downtime events.
1% scrap from product contamination due to leaky connections
Annual Operating Costs   $3,392 $95,279 A $91,887 Annual Savings Opportunity!

Table 1


View our Technical Article: Comparing Hydraulic and Electric Actuation Systems

Return to Other Actuation Technologies

Pneumatic System Comparison

Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Linear Actuators (SHAs) are an alternative for pneumatic actuation when more precise control, programmability and less reliance on compressed air is required.

pneumatic comparisonTypical Pneumatic System

Generic Hydraulic SchematicStandard Kyntronics SHA Circuit

Benefits of Pneumatic System

  • Cost-effective (assuming compressed air infractructure exists)
  • Provide rapid motion
  • Simple to install and maintain
  • Clean operation
  • Compact footprint

Challenges of Pneumatic System

  • Air leaks - inefficient
  • Limited to lower rated-force applications
  • Difficult to control - require expensive add-on components
  • Pressure drops - inconsistent operation
  • Air contamination
  • Insufficient lubrication

Kyntronics Advantages

  • Actuator is completely sealed, no hoses or threaded connections eliminate leaks
  • Use Power-on-Demand to save energy, very efficient operation
  • Load zone is throughout the full stroke length
  • Quiet operation (no compressor)
  • Precisely controls position and force
  • Requires minimal maintenance
  • Versatile actuator configurations
  • A "Total Solution" option (actuator, motor, drive, software) is available
  • Provides simple Fieldbus Connectivity

Versatile actuator configurations provide flexibility to fit your machine

configuration parallel standard

Parallel Standard

configuration parallel spacer

Parallel with Spacer Block

configuration 90deg centered

90° Centered

configuration parallel inverted

Parallel Inverted

configuration customer supplied motor


configuration 90deg behind

90° Behind Power Unit

View our Case Study: Replacing Pneumatics on an Automotive Lifting System

Return to Other Actuation Technologies

Air-Over-Oil System Comparison

Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Linear Actuators (SHAs) are an alternative to Air-Over-Oil actuation systems where more precise control, programmability, and less downtime risk is required.

Air over OilAir Over Oil System Diagram
Generic Hydraulic SchematicStandard Kyntronics SHA Circuit


Benefits of Air-Over-Oil System

  • Fast motion coupled with a larger force
  • Cost effective
  • Uses existing compressed air infrastructure
  • Quiet operation
  • No continuously running motor

Challenges of Air-Over-Oil System

  • Challenging to control - not versatile
  • Limited "load zone"
  • Many leak points - air and hydraulic connections and hoses
  • Difficult to size
  • Energy inefficient
  • Contamination resulting in downtime and high maintenance

Kyntronics Advantages

  • Actuator is totally sealed, no hoses or threaded connections eliminates leaks
  • Use Power-on-Demand to save energy, very efficient operation
  • Load zone is throughout the full stroke length
  • Quiet operation (no compressor)
  • Precisely controls position and force
  • Requires minimal maintenance
  • Versatile actuator configurations
  • A "Total Solution" (actuator, motor, drive, software) is available
  • Provides simple Fieldbus connectivity

Versatile actuator configurations provide flexibility to fit your machine

configuration parallel standard

Parallel Standard

configuration parallel spacer

Parallel with Spacer Block

configuration 90deg centered

90° Centered

configuration parallel inverted

Parallel Inverted

configuration customer supplied motor


configuration 90deg behind

90° Behind Power Unit

View our Technical Article: Upgrading Air-Over-Oil Cylinders with Kyntronics Actuators

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