The Servo Power Unit (SPU) is sized based on the customer’s cylinder flow & pressure (speed / load). As a note, most HPUs have a max PSI (e.g. 1500psi or 3000psi). Sizing based on that alone may increase the overall sizing and costs.

Knowing the specific PSI at the cylinder provides the optimum sizing. Having the cylinder’s bore, rod & stroke plus monitoring a pressure gauge and possibly taking a video of the cylinder in operation (for speed) is all you need to size an SPU.


Pump Size:Pump identifier
Gallons/Liters Per Minute: desired flow (gpm/lpm)
Max Working Pressure: maximum working/operating pressure (psi/bar)
Required Torque: the required motor torque (based on the max working pressure)


Servo Power Units are configured to adapt with your cylinder size and performance requirements for force and speed.

P-Series Power Unit Total Solution Specifications

Pump SizeGallons Per MinuteLitres Per MinuteMax Working Pressure (psi)Max Working Pressure (bar)Required Torque (Nm)**
02 0.171 0.648 3000 207 1.09
05 0.399 1.512 3000 207 2.55
07 0.656 2.484 3000 207 4.19
11 1.056 3.996 3000 207 6.75
13 1.626 6.156 2756 190 10.39
21 1.854 7.020 3000 207 11.85
23 2.225 8.424 3000 207 14.22
27 2.967 11.232 3000 207 18.96
31 4.173 15.795 3000 207 26.66
34 5.378 20.358 3000 207 34.37
36 7.047 26.676 2756 190 45.03

**Torque Information for customer-supplied motor & drive instances

  • Can be used with most any double-acting cylinder / rod combination
  • The factory requires the rod & cylinder diameter and stroke length to properly size
  • Cylinders are required to be filled with the factory standard fluid following the factory’s procedure
  • This is a Representative Sample of the Servo Power Unit Product Range, Consult Factory for Additional Models
  • For additional information on the Operational Performance of Servo Power Units, speak with an Engineer

Servo Power Units are configured to adapt with your cylinder size and performance requirements for force and speed.

Our standard Servo Power Unit provides a maximum of 9.88 cc/revolution (7.8 GPM) at 3,000 PSI

Contact our Engineers who can assist with configuring the appropriate Servo Power Unit for your specific application requirements.



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