To choose a CAD model you must first identify the force and speed closest to your application requirements.

S-Series Actuator Only Specifications and CAD Models:

Series / Model Number Alpha-Numeric Designation: SxxCyy-zz-D

First letter: designates the product series

  • S-Series
  • P-Series
  • H-Series

xx: designates the motor size – for example

  • S06 is a 60mm motor
  • S14 is a 142mm motor
  • S19 is a 190mm motor

Cyy: designates the cylinder size – for example

  • C10 is a 1in cylinder
  • C32 is a 3.25in cylinder
  • C60 is a 6in cylinder

zz: designates the pump size which correlates to flow/speed

-D: If model name ends in -D designates DC version. If model name does not end in -D designates AC version

Series No.Input VoltageExtend Force (lbf)Retract Force (lbf)Extend Speed (in/s)Retract Speed (in/s)Max Cylinder Capacity Extend (lbf)Max Cylinder Capacity Retract (lbf)Max Input Torque (in-lbs)Max Input Speed (rpm)Max Motor Square Frame Size (in)Max Motor Shaft Dia (in)Model Name
        Click on the link below to download
S0ZC10-02 Actuator Only 2356 1435 0.84 1.38 2356 1436 9.68 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC10-13
S0ZC10-05 Actuator Only 2356 1435 1.96 3.21 2356 1436 22.59 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC10-13
S0ZC10-07 Actuator Only 2356 1435 3.22 5.28 2356 1436 37.12 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC10-13
S0ZC10-11 Actuator Only 2356 1435 5.17 8.49 2356 1436 59.71 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC10-13
S0ZC10-13 Actuator Only 2040 1243 7.97 13.08 2356 1436 79.66 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC10-13
S0ZC10-21 Actuator Only 2356 1435 9.09 14.92 2356 1436 104.89 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC10-36
S0ZC10-23 Actuator Only 2356 1435 10.91 17.9 2356 1436 125.87 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC10-36
S0ZC10-27 Actuator Only 2356 1435 14.55 23.87 2356 1436 167.83 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC10-36
S0ZC10-31 Actuator Only 2356 1435 20.45 33.57 2356 1436 236.01 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC10-36
S0ZC10-34 Actuator Only 2356 1435 26.36 43.26 2356 1436 304.19 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC10-36
S0ZC10-36 Actuator Only 1988 1211 34.54 56.69 2356 1436 336.33 3000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC10-36
S0ZC15-02 Actuator Only 5301 2945 0.37 0.67 5301 2945 9.68 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC15-13
S0ZC15-05 Actuator Only 5301 2945 0.87 1.57 5301 2945 22.59 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC15-13
S0ZC15-07 Actuator Only 5301 2945 1.43 2.57 5301 2945 37.12 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC15-13
S0ZC15-11 Actuator Only 5301 2945 2.3 4.14 5301 2945 59.71 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC15-13
S0ZC15-13 Actuator Only 4591 2550 3.54 6.38 5301 2945 79.66 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC15-13
S0ZC15-21 Actuator Only 5301 2945 4.04 7.27 5301 2945 104.89 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC15-36
S0ZC15-23 Actuator Only 5301 2945 4.85 8.73 5301 2945 125.87 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC15-36
S0ZC15-27 Actuator Only 5301 2945 6.46 11.64 5301 2945 167.83 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC15-36
S0ZC15-31 Actuator Only 5301 2945 9.09 16.36 5301 2945 236.01 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC15-36
S0ZC15-34 Actuator Only 5301 2945 11.72 21.09 5301 2945 304.19 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC15-36
S0ZC15-36 Actuator Only 4473 2485 15.35 27.64 5301 2945 336.33 3000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC15-36
S0ZC20-02 Actuator Only 9424 7068 0.21 0.28 9425 7069 9.68 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC20-13
S0ZC20-05 Actuator Only 9424 7068 0.49 0.65 9425 7069 22.59 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC20-13
S0ZC20-07 Actuator Only 9424 7068 0.8 1.07 9425 7069 37.12 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC20-13
S0ZC20-11 Actuator Only 9424 7068 1.29 1.72 9425 7069 59.71 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC20-13
S0ZC20-13 Actuator Only 8161 6121 1.99 2.66 9425 7069 79.66 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC20-13
S0ZC20-21 Actuator Only 9424 7068 2.27 3.03 9425 7069 104.89 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC20-36
S0ZC20-23 Actuator Only 9424 7068 2.73 3.64 9425 7069 125.87 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC20-36
S0ZC20-27 Actuator Only 9424 7068 3.64 4.85 9425 7069 167.83 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC20-36
S0ZC20-31 Actuator Only 9424 7068 5.11 6.82 9425 7069 236.01 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC20-36
S0ZC20-34 Actuator Only 9424 7068 6.59 8.79 9425 7069 304.19 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC20-36
S0ZC20-36 Actuator Only 7952 5964 8.64 11.51 9425 7069 336.33 3000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC20-36
S0ZC25-02 Actuator Only 14726 10271 0.13 0.19 14726 10272 9.68 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC25-13
S0ZC25-05 Actuator Only 14726 10271 0.31 0.45 14726 10272 22.59 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC25-13
S0ZC25-07 Actuator Only 14726 10271 0.51 0.74 14726 10272 37.12 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC25-13
S0ZC25-11 Actuator Only 14726 10271 0.83 1.19 14726 10272 59.71 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC25-13
S0ZC25-13 Actuator Only 12752 8895 1.28 1.83 14726 10272 79.66 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC25-13
S0ZC25-21 Actuator Only 14726 10271 1.45 2.09 14726 10272 104.89 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC25-36
S0ZC25-23 Actuator Only 14726 10271 1.75 2.5 14726 10272 125.87 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC25-36
S0ZC25-27 Actuator Only 14726 10271 2.33 3.34 14726 10272 167.83 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC25-36
S0ZC25-31 Actuator Only 14726 10271 3.27 4.69 14726 10272 236.01 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC25-36
S0ZC25-34 Actuator Only 14726 10271 4.22 6.05 14726 10272 304.19 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC25-36
S0ZC25-36 Actuator Only 12425 8667 5.53 7.92 14726 10272 336.33 3000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC25-36
S0ZC32-02 Actuator Only 24887 20432 0.08 0.1 24887 20433 9.68 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC32-13
S0ZC32-05 Actuator Only 24887 20432 0.19 0.23 24887 20433 22.59 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC32-13
S0ZC32-07 Actuator Only 24887 20432 0.3 0.37 24887 20433 37.12 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC32-13
S0ZC32-11 Actuator Only 24887 20432 0.49 0.6 24887 20433 59.71 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC32-13
S0ZC32-13 Actuator Only 21552 17694 0.75 0.92 24887 20433 79.66 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC32-13
S0ZC32-21 Actuator Only 24887 20432 0.86 1.05 24887 20433 104.89 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC32-36
S0ZC32-23 Actuator Only 24887 20432 1.03 1.26 24887 20433 125.87 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC32-36
S0ZC32-27 Actuator Only 24887 20432 1.38 1.68 24887 20433 167.83 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC32-36
S0ZC32-31 Actuator Only 24887 20432 1.94 2.36 24887 20433 236.01 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC32-36
S0ZC32-34 Actuator Only 24887 20432 2.5 3.04 24887 20433 304.19 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC32-36
S0ZC32-36 Actuator Only 20999 17240 3.27 3.98 24887 20433 336.33 3000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC32-36
S0ZC40-02 Actuator Only 37699 28274 0.05 0.07 37699 28274 9.68 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC40-13
S0ZC40-05 Actuator Only 37699 28274 0.12 0.16 37699 28274 22.59 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC40-13
S0ZC40-07 Actuator Only 37699 28274 0.2 0.27 37699 28274 37.12 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC40-13
S0ZC40-11 Actuator Only 37699 28274 0.32 0.43 37699 28274 59.71 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC40-13
S0ZC40-13 Actuator Only 32647 24485 0.5 0.66 37699 28274 79.66 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC40-13
S0ZC40-21 Actuator Only 37699 28274 0.57 0.76 37699 28274 104.89 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC40-36
S0ZC40-23 Actuator Only 37699 28274 0.68 0.91 37699 28274 125.87 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC40-36
S0ZC40-27 Actuator Only 37699 28274 0.91 1.21 37699 28274 167.83 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC40-36
S0ZC40-31 Actuator Only 37699 28274 1.28 1.7 37699 28274 236.01 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC40-36
S0ZC40-34 Actuator Only 37699 28274 1.65 2.2 37699 28274 304.19 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC40-36
S0ZC40-36 Actuator Only 31810 23857 2.16 2.88 37699 28274 336.33 3000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC40-36
S0ZC50-02 Actuator Only 58904 37699 0.03 0.05 58905 37699 9.68 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC50-13
S0ZC50-05 Actuator Only 58904 37699 0.08 0.12 58905 37699 22.59 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC50-13
S0ZC50-07 Actuator Only 58904 37699 0.13 0.2 58905 37699 37.12 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC50-13
S0ZC50-11 Actuator Only 58904 37699 0.21 0.32 58905 37699 59.71 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC50-13
S0ZC50-13 Actuator Only 51011 32647 0.32 0.5 58905 37699 79.66 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC50-13
S0ZC50-21 Actuator Only 58904 37699 0.36 0.57 58905 37699 104.89 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC50-13
S0ZC50-23 Actuator Only 58904 37699 0.44 0.68 58905 37699 125.87 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC50-36
S0ZC50-27 Actuator Only 58904 37699 0.58 0.91 58905 37699 167.83 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC50-36
S0ZC50-31 Actuator Only 58904 37699 0.82 1.28 58905 37699 236.01 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC50-36
S0ZC50-34 Actuator Only 58904 37699 1.05 1.65 58905 37699 304.19 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC50-36
S0ZC50-36 Actuator Only 49703 31810 1.38 2.16 58905 37699 336.33 3000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC50-36
S0ZC60-02 Actuator Only 84823 55959 0.02 0.04 84823 55960 9.68 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC60-13
S0ZC60-05 Actuator Only 84823 55959 0.05 0.08 84823 55960 22.59 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC60-13
S0ZC60-07 Actuator Only 84823 55959 0.09 0.14 84823 55960 37.12 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC60-13
S0ZC60-11 Actuator Only 84823 55959 0.14 0.22 84823 55960 59.71 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC60-13
S0ZC60-13 Actuator Only 73456 48461 0.22 0.34 84823 55960 79.66 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC60-13
S0ZC60-21 Actuator Only 84823 55959 0.25 0.38 84823 55960 104.89 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC60-36
S0ZC60-23 Actuator Only 84823 55959 0.3 0.46 84823 55960 125.87 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC60-36
S0ZC60-27 Actuator Only 84823 55959 0.4 0.61 84823 55960 167.83 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC60-36
S0ZC60-31 Actuator Only 84823 55959 0.57 0.86 84823 55960 236.01 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC60-36
S0ZC60-34 Actuator Only 84823 55959 0.73 1.11 84823 55960 304.19 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC60-36
S0ZC60-36 Actuator Only 71573 47218 0.96 1.45 84823 55960 336.33 3000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC60-36
S0ZC80-02 Actuator Only 150796 113097 0.01 0.02 150796 113097 9.68 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC80-13
S0ZC80-05 Actuator Only 150796 113097 0.03 0.04 150796 113097 22.59 8000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC80-13
S0ZC80-07 Actuator Only 150796 113097 0.05 0.07 150796 113097 37.12 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC80-13
S0ZC80-11 Actuator Only 150796 113097 0.08 0.11 150796 113097 59.71 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC80-13
S0ZC80-13 Actuator Only 130589 97942 0.12 0.17 150796 113097 79.66 5000 3.74 0.748 S0ZC80-13
S0ZC80-21 Actuator Only 150796 113097 0.14 0.19 150796 113097 104.89 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC80-36
S0ZC80-23 Actuator Only 150796 113097 0.17 0.23 150796 113097 125.87 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC80-36
S0ZC80-27 Actuator Only 150796 113097 0.23 0.3 150796 113097 167.83 5000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC80-36
S0ZC80-31 Actuator Only 150796 113097 0.32 0.43 150796 113097 236.01 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC80-36
S0ZC80-34 Actuator Only 150796 113097 0.41 0.55 150796 113097 304.19 4000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC80-36
S0ZC80-36 Actuator Only 127241 95430 0.54 0.72 150796 113097 336.33 3000 7.48 1.496 S0ZC80-36



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Actuator Only Option Connects to the Motor and Drive of Your Choice

An electric precision linear actuator that incorporates proven technologies into an innovative servo-controlled actuation product.

A wide selection of actuator configurations to fit your application.


s series actuatot only products

s series actuatotor only product

s series actuatot only product range

Actuator Only Solution Information




icon power on demand


icon precise control


icon minimal maintenance


icon all in one


icon eliminates leaks


icon shock load tolerant


icon no metal to metal wear




Need more than an Actuator?
View - Total Solution Option

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v fdmv fdsm bpfd

  1. Standard or High-Resolution Position Sensor – External E or Internal I Mounted
  2. Pressure Sensor for Force Measurement and Control
  3. Solenoid Lock
  4. Load Cell Interface
  5. Food Grade Fluid
  6. Fire Resistant Fluid
  7. IP67, IP68, IP69k packaging
  8. Special Coatings
  9. Explosion Proof: Class 1 Div 1 / Div II
  10. Supplemental Heating or Cooling
  11. Manual Backup Operation


Kyntronics have developed an Add-On-Instruction set (AOI) for Rockwell Automation/Allen Bradley Servo Motors/Drives/PLC. This Control option allows the OEM/Machine Builder to provide their own Rockwell Automation components and utilize the AOI to facilitate the integration. Note, for the P-Series, the linear transducer is mounted to the cylinder or machine mechanism to provide position feedback.


Rockwell Automation Connectivity Options



  • Kyntronics Assistance with Allen Bradley Servo Motor selection
  • Kyntronics can perform the mounting and Integration of the Allen Bradley Servo Motor to the SHA
  • Kyntronics AOI to perform position and/or force control along with many other actuation specific needs that employ the feature-rich Rockwell Automation hardware and software
    • Example code and support as needed

Kyntronics - Rockwell AOI Software Features

  • Position Control
  • Force Control
  • Position & Force Control
  • Position Control with Force & Speed Limiting
  • Compound Moves
  • Multiple Gain Sets
  • Synchronized Motion
  • Coordinated Motion

View Rockwell Integration Information

Contact an Expert about our Rockwell Automation solution

solution Rockwell


  • Ethernet IP
  • ½ Axis (Aux – encoder)
  • 0-10vdc
  • -10vdc to +10vdc
  • 4-20ma


  • Pressure Transducer
  • 0-10vdc
  • Load Cell
  • 0-10vdc
  • -10vdc to +10vdc
  • 4-20ma
  • Ethernet IP

Allen Bradley Motor Connections

  • Power Encoder



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S-Series Mounting Options

Rod End

rod end clevis


rod end rod eye

Rod Eye

rod end parker style 55

Parker Style 55

rod end spherical ball joint

Spherical Ball Joint

rod end threaded male standard si

Threaded Male
Threaded Male SI

rod end threaded female standard si

Threaded Female
Threaded Female SI

Actuator Mount

End Feet

End Feet

Side Feet

Side Feet



Front Flange Plate

Front Flange Plate

Rear Flange Plate

Rear Flange Plate

Clevis 0 degrees

Clevis 0 degrees
Clevis 90 degrees
(0 degrees shown)

Rod Eye Bracket

Rod Eye Bracket 0 degree
Rod Eye Bracket 90 degree
(0 degrees shown)

Flexible Configurations to Fit your Machine

configuration parallel standard

Parallel Standard

configuration parallel spacer

Parallel with Spacer Block

configuration 90deg centered

90° Centered

configuration parallel inverted

Parallel Inverted

configuration customer supplied motor


configuration 90deg behind

90° Behind Power Unit



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