Innovation in Motion News
2023 Q1

Actuators - The Best of Both Worlds
Historically there were Two Actuation Options: Electro-Mechanical Screw- Type Actuators (EMAs) and Hydraulic Cylinders powered by HPUs.
Now There is a Better Option!
An actuator that combines the best of both EMA and HPU technology while eliminating their shortcomings.

Make your Presses Smarter, More Efficient and More Precise
Kyntronics All-In-One SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuators (SHA) are used extensively in press applications including:
- Metal Forming
- Assembly
- Thermosetting
- Forging
- Piercing
- Powder Compaction
Learn about upgrading your presses with SHA technology and begin capturing these benefits and more for your company.

Special Servo Power Unit Configuration for Military Customer
A Military customer required a special Servo Power Unit (SPU) that would operate their existing cylinders and provide several unique features:
- Provide 85,000 lbf @ 7 in/sec. Approximately 130 HP
- Manual backup to operate the cylinder in the event of a power outage
- Redundant operation
Find out more about this Multi-Servo Power Unit solution and how Kyntronics can help with your special application requirements.

New Product Alert: Factory Programmed HMIs with Software
Need an HMI with your actuator controller? Kyntronics All-In-One actuation systems are now available with optional HMIs and standard software.
Standard Features:
- 5” or 7” Screen
- Diagnostics
- Setup
- Motor Tuning
- Jogging / Start / Stop Operation
- Cycle Sequence Indexing using Force and Position
- Data Logging
Cost Comparison at Different Force Ratings
Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (SHA) vs. Electro-Mechanical Roller Screw Actuator (EMA)

SHA vs Roller Screw Actuator Cost Difference
Considering a Roller- Screw Actuator for your project?
Kyntronics SMART Electro-Hydraulic Actuators (SHA) provide considerable cost savings vs. Roller-Screw Actuators, particularly in high rated-force applications. The SHA also provides higher resistance to shock- loads, extended life, higher reliability, and lower maintenance than Roller-Screw actuators.
- Includes: Actuator, Servo Motor, Servo Drive
- 24" Stroke Length, add 15% Premium to Roller Screw if longer
- Standard Configuration, Standard L10 Roller Screw Life Amounts are Approximate
- Distributor Net Cost

Don't be Deceived by the Name
Although our product is called a SMART electro-hydraulic actuator, the SHA uses a minimal amount of fluid. For example, a cylinder that produces 10,000 Lbs. of force with an 8” stroke only requires 14 oz of fluid, often less than the lubrication in a mechanical gearbox.
Remember the SHA is a fully sealed system, unlike traditional HPUs with hydraulic cylinders, it does not require fluid changes or fluid replenishment.
Find more technical details and design comparisons,check out our

Kyntronics’ in Fluid Power Journal Article
Kyntronics' Carl Richter was recently featured in the 2023 January Fluid Power Journal issue for his article: "Peaceful Coexistence - Can Hydraulic Actuators Play Well with Others".
Good news! Hydraulic and screw-type electric actuators have found a way to co-exist and a new hybrid actuator technology that combines the benefits of these two technologies while eliminating their shortcomings has emerged.
Read article, to see the direction the industry and actuators are heading. And visit Kyntronics' product page to see why 'SMART' is in our electro-hydraulic actuator name.
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Visit Kyntronics' Knowledge Center or connect with an Engineer. Once you get to know Kyntronics, we believe you will agree –
when it comes to actuation, Kyntronics is the right choice for your actuator needs!
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